Seeing the Work of God Advance

Recently we have been working our way through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah during our family worship time. Something that has really stuck out to us is how these two Old Testament books illustrate what the New Testament consistently speaks of regarding the church....

The Fight of Faith

All followers of Jesus know that the Christian life has much to do with trusting, praying, and knowing that God is a refuge to all those who do. As we walk this path of faith it becomes apparent that the path of faith is not without its difficulties. Scripture often...

God Hears and Remembers

One of the most difficult situations relationally any one of us can go through is to be communicating with someone that we have had a vibrant relationship with and yet suddenly not be sure if they hear or are listening to our communication. Such a situation easily...


Recently we looked at aspects of prayer: Confident Praying and The Sovereign God Moved by Prayer?  Today I would like to give one example of something that you can pray about confidently and know that God will answer affirmatively.  Psalm 31:1 In You, O LORD, I have...