When “Everything Goes Wrong”

What do you do when everything is going wrong? All of us will face things “going wrong” on a large scale at some point in our lives-that is just part of living in a sin cursed world that has rebelled against God. Big trials test our faith; no doubt about...

How Important is Singing to you?

How important is singing to you? As soon as I ask that question I can imagine various responses. Some might say, “I love to sing because I feel like I have been gifted to do so.” Some might say “I do not enjoy it, you would know why if you heard me...

Are you Standing Firm?

In April we finished up a series through Paul’s Epistle to the church at Philippi. Near the end of that letter (Philippians 4:1-9) Paul address the issue of standing firm. His Spirit breathed counsel about standing firm is something that we need to constantly be...

Clinging, Loving, Trusting, and Serving

Are you clinging, loving, trusting, and fearing the Lord? There are four verses in Joshua 23 and 24 that I have been praying over for myself and for all of us at The Bible Church. Clinging: Joshua exhorted the people of Israel to cling to the Lord in their new...