How important is singing to you? As soon as I ask that question I can imagine various responses. Some might say, “I love to sing because I feel like I have been gifted to do so.” Some might say “I do not enjoy it, you would know why if you heard me do it!” Others might say this: “Love is a rather intense word, but I enjoy singing. I think the world is better because of it.” You might even get this answer: “I love singing but others around me don’t love me singing!” But I want to suggest there is a better answer to the question “how important is singing to you?” And this answer doesn’t have to do with “giftedness”, but with “gracedness.” The mature Christian view of singing is this: “I will sing to the LORD, because He has dealt bountifully with me” (Psalm 13:6). In fact, genuine singing to the Lord is an outcome of being filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18-19). So have you been singing this week? Even if it is just in your heart? And do you value the singing portion when you gather with the body of Christ? To the extent that our hearts are saturated in who God is and His bountiful dealings with us, we will be a singing people. I am looking forward to our time of worship in song this week during the 11am service as we focus in on praising our All-Knowing Wise God. I hope you will join with us full of great joy in the Lord.