by jbrackbill | Oct 9, 2012 | Devotional Thoughts
Recently we looked at aspects of prayer: Confident Praying and The Sovereign God Moved by Prayer? Today I would like to give one example of something that you can pray about confidently and know that God will answer affirmatively. Psalm 31:1 In You, O LORD, I have...
by jbrackbill | Oct 3, 2012 | Devotional Thoughts
Last week we briefly meditated on confidently praying. We can do so as we ask God to do what He has already revealed He will do. This week I would like to draw our attention to an amazing statement in 2 Samuel: 2 Samuel 24:25 David built there an altar to the LORD...
by jbrackbill | Sep 26, 2012 | Devotional Thoughts
How courageous are you in your prayer life? Do you feel like you can pray with 100% confidence that God will answer your prayer requests? There is no doubt that much of what we pray about we are not sure what God’s will is and His answer may be yes, no, or wait....
by jbrackbill | Sep 18, 2012 | Devotional Thoughts
Have you ever found yourself making a comparison about something and trying to communicate how valuable it is? Often what we do is elevate what we value by comparing it to things that everyone would acknowledge are necessary and good. David does just that in Psalm...
by jbrackbill | Sep 11, 2012 | Devotional Thoughts
What is love? If we recognize that we live in a fallen depraved world, we are not going to go to that world to get the answer to this question, but to God’s infallible Word. So what is the God-breathed definition of love? 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Love is patient,...
by jbrackbill | Sep 5, 2012 | Devotional Thoughts
This past Sunday evening we considered Genesis 5 and among other things we saw that death reigns outside of the garden because of the sin of Adam. Unless the Lord returns and takes us away beforehand, physical death is a reality for each one of us. So have you...