Below are forty biblical points that have been listed at a recently helpful blog post.
How committed are you to a local church? Here are 40 biblical commands that can only be fully fleshed out and obeyed within the context of a committed accountable relationship to a local church.
- Stimulate one another to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24)
- Confess your sins to one another (James 5:16)
- Build up one another (1 Thess 5:11)
- Be of the same mind as one another (Romans 12:13, 15:5)
- Comfort one another in the face of death (1 Thess 4:18)
- Employ your spiritual gifts in serving one another (1 Peter 4:10)
- Pray for one another (James 5:16)
- Be devoted to one another (Romans 12:10)
- Be at peace with one another (Mark 9:50)
- Encourage one another (1 Thess 5:11)
- Greet one another (2 Cor 13:12)
- Don’t become boastful in challenging one another (Gal 5:26)
- Be kind to one another (Eph 4:32)
- Abound in love for one another (1 Peter 1:22)
- Live in peace with one another (1 Thess 5:13)
- Love one another (2 John 5)
- Fervently love one another (1 Peter 1:22)
- Have fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7)
- Don’t judge one another (Romans 14:13)
- Take communion (the Lord’s Table) with one another (1 Cor 11:33)
- Accept one another (Romans 15:7)
- Regard one another as more important than yourself (Phil 2:3)
- Bear one another’s burdens (Gal 6:2)
- Admonish one another (Rom 15:14)
- Serve one another (Gal 5:13)
- Do not lie to one another (Col 3:9)
- Bear with one another (Col 3:13)
- Forgive one another (Col 3:13)
- Teach and admonish one another (Rom 15:14)
- Care for one another (1 Cor 12:25)
- Cloth yourselves with humility toward one another (1 Peter 5:5)
- Be hospitable to one another (1 Peter 4:9)
- Do not complain against one another (James 5:9)
- Show forbearance to one another (Eph 4:2)
- Speak to one anther in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Eph 5:19)
- Give preference to one another (Rom 12:10)
- Don’t bite and devour one another (Gal 5:15)
- Submit to one another (Ephesians 5:21
- Seek the good of one another (1 Thess 5:15)
- Don’t forsake assembling with one another (Heb 10:25)