Seeing the Work of God Advance

Recently we have been working our way through the books of Ezra and Nehemiah during our family worship time. Something that has really stuck out to us is how these two Old Testament books illustrate what the New Testament consistently speaks of regarding the church....

With God, all things are possible

Do you know that feeling when you read something that is a very important statement, but that someone has used in a very cheap or trite way? Unwittingly we can do that with Scripture. We tend to jump on a phrase of Scripture and run with it without reference to its...

That All Might Know That you Might Fear

There is this question that we humans like to ask God: Why? It is a dangerous question and yet it is an important question to ask as long as we are willing to accept God’s answer in His Word. If we ask why and expect to receive specific reasons for everything that...

What does it mean if I am not repenting?

This is an important question and the first and most obvious answer is that if someone is unwilling to repent of sin then they are not a child of God. Initial repentance is the sinner’s fundamental change of mind, emotion and will toward personal sin at the time of...

Living out the Future in the Present

Something is not right in this world. What is normal is not what ought to be. There is a reason that sin and suffering are saddening, shocking and grieving to God’s image-bearers. This reflects our innate knowledge that something is wrong here in God’s creation. Of...