by jbrackbill | Oct 1, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
David says “I will not be afraid” in Psalm 3:6 and yet the circumstance in which he wrote was certainly the soil in which ungodly fear most naturally thrives. He was running from his own son Absalom who was attempting to take the kingdom from David his father. David...
by jbrackbill | Sep 24, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts, Uncategorized
Last Sunday evening we considered Genesis 18:1-15 and saw that the LORD once again appeared to Abraham to strengthen his faith, but this time it was for his wife’s faith to be strengthened. The climax of these fifteen verses is recorded in verse 14: “Is...
by jbrackbill | Sep 17, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
One time I was sitting in a class during my theological training and the professor was demonstrating to us the truth of God’s sovereignty. A few years earlier I had grappled with this truth of God’s sovereignty and come to be deeply thankful that God was...
by jbrackbill | Sep 4, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
Recently someone mentioned to me about how important the fundamentals of sports are to succeeding as a player. In my limited athletic endeavors I have experienced the importance of revisiting the basics and seeing how a fresh consideration of the basics clarifies...
by jbrackbill | Aug 13, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts, Uncategorized
Blank checks are nice, especially when they are given to us and are not associated with our account. An even nicer situation is when this is true and the implication is write in what is needed! Consider this blank check: Matthew 7:7-11 “Ask, and it will be...
by jbrackbill | Jul 30, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
God is in control and we are responsible. These are both clearly taught in Scripture. Someone who says “God is in control” but does not recognize that we are simultaneously responsible for all our actions might be tempted to walk out in front of oncoming traffic and...