by jbrackbill | Dec 31, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
God’s Eternity and Our Frailty As we enter into 2014 Psalm 90 is a good reminder to us that God is above time though we are bound by time. He is Creator and Lord over time, we are the created and in a certain sense servants of time. May the Lord help us to live...
by jbrackbill | Dec 24, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts, Doctrine
This is the time of year that Christians celebrate the “incarnation.” we do not often use this word in every day conversation, but it simply means “enfleshment.” The significance of the “incarnation” is profound and eternally...
by jbrackbill | Dec 17, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
When God’s people in a particular location gather in the name of Christ in submission to Him through the true preaching of the gospel, accountable to one another and to godly Spirit appointed leadership, and are practicing the ordinances as Christ commanded them, they...
by jbrackbill | Dec 10, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
How serious do you take church? How serious do you take the gathering of God’s people in a gospel believing and proclaiming church? How serious should you take it? How serious do you take this local assembly? Paul wrote to Timothy in Ephesus and explained to him how...
by jbrackbill | Dec 3, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
Nineveh was not a godly place. In fact, it was a ruthless wicked place that was a staunch enemy of Israel. That is important background information to the reaction of Jonah when he was called by God to give a message of grace and peace to that wicked city. Do you...
by jbrackbill | Nov 19, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
Recently I found myself in the middle of a very typical parenting situation that reminded me of how easily we are miss led on what the real problem is. There was a box. The box was a fun toy. And two children both wanted the fun toy. And so I stepped in to help figure...