To Boast or not to Boast?

This week we are memorizing a very familiar verse-Ephesians 2:8-9. Sometimes familiarity means we don’t think about what we are reading or memorizing. So we need to think about an aspect about this verse that should help us allow the message to impact us again....

My Jesus Hath Done All Things Well

Do you know the joy of singing hymns individually and as a family? One of the biggest blessings that our family has experienced nearly every day over the last several years is singing hymns together. Recently we sang one that we learned a month ago and found it to be...

Sovereign Over Storms and Elections

There are two events that are pressing on our minds right now here in our communities. First, some are still pulling out of the devastation and others are pulling out of the inconvenience of Sandy which hit us last week. Second, today our nation goes to the polls to...

What to do when you fall…again?

We all know that feeling of defeat and disillusionment in our walk with Christ. We have just failed Him again. We are full of guilt. We wonder if we will ever have victory over that particular sin. How we respond in that moment reveals our understanding and...