True Worship

Each week we gather corporately to worship God. It is very easy to forget the essence of what worship is. Soon it can become focused on external things like 11am, 6:30 pm, order of service, or certain practices.  Obviously anyone can show up for such things and God...

Is the Bible God’s Revelation?

How do we know that the Bible is in fact God’s revelation? That is a loaded question and there are many helpful answers that we could consider, but I want to just encourage us with the implication of one particular verse in the gospel of Matthew. Remember this...

Arrogance: Judgment vs. Grace

Whenever a true follower of Jesus takes the time to recount the history of their life with a view toward their relationship to God, there are certain themes that often emerge. Anyone who has consistently read through the Bible knows that there are times that God has...

Vignettes of Jesus and our Union with Him

Foundational to having victory over sin as a believer in Jesus is understanding our union with Christ and applying that union and all its implications to our lives. That is the very logic of Paul in Romans 6 when He says “Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin,...

Following Jesus into the Storm

Today I read from Matthew 8 and was struck by a familiar account of Christ’s life and ministry. In summary fashion there was a storm on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus and His disciples were in a boat in the middle of that storm, Jesus commanded the storm to stop and the...

From Humility to Pride

Recently I was reading from 2 Chronicles 26 and was reminded afresh from the life of Uzziah how foolishly confident we are in ourselves.  Uzziah was a king that could be evaluated this way by the Lord: “He did right in the sight of the LORD according to all that his...