The Fight of Faith

All followers of Jesus know that the Christian life has much to do with trusting, praying, and knowing that God is a refuge to all those who do. As we walk this path of faith it becomes apparent that the path of faith is not without its difficulties. Scripture often...

Spiritual Depth Perception

What we see has much do to with how we respond to situations and how we go about our lives. Recently as I was walking back to my car I saw an older man trip over the curb and fall into a busy street. He did not immediately get up and he was in one of the lanes. My...

Why are you in despair?

This is an important question: Why are you in despair? To despair means to lose all hope or confidence. At times we may despair over certain people or circumstances around us. But those instances of despair are a reflection of a deeper despair that is brewing in our...


This past Sunday we took a break from the 2 Corinthians, Gospel of John, and Genesis series, and focused in on a mini-series that considered worldliness from James 3:13-4:10. The last message, “Recovering from Worldliness”, dealt with repentance from what is a central...

I Will be Treated as Holy

One of the most important discovers of any growing and maturing Christian is to realize not just intellectually, but to accept as wondrously and fearfully true that the God of the Bible is the same God in both the Old and New Testaments. This last week in our Bible...

The Wisdom of Boasting in the Foolish

We are all hard wired to boast. We were made to boast. We were made to boast in Christ because we were made for Him (Colossians 1:16). The problem is that our boasting compass is off; off from birth. We boast in ourselves, in others, in things, and in accomplishments....