by jbrackbill | Apr 23, 2014 | Devotional Thoughts
On Sunday we were reminded of the gospel and its “linchpin” (the resurrection) through 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. After a weekend of special focus on Christ’s resurrection we might think we can move on to other things. But we can never move on from the...
by jbrackbill | Apr 15, 2014 | Doctrine
People come and go. They are born and do a few things in life and then die. The landscape of history is marked by this seemingly endless cycle. Most people in this cycle are barely noticed. However, there are notable people of history such as great leaders, religious...
by jbrackbill | Apr 2, 2014 | Devotional Thoughts
This last Sunday we considered the peace that Jesus gives those who are His true followers. All those who have peace with God have the privileged of living with the peace from God through Jesus every day. We are all born as enemies of God, but through faith in Jesus...
by jbrackbill | Mar 25, 2014 | Devotional Thoughts
Recently our family experienced something that illustrates the growth and entrapment of sin in our lives. For years and years tree roots were growing under the ground, growing ever closer to the outgoing sewer pipe of our house. No one living in this house over the...
by jbrackbill | Mar 18, 2014 | Devotional Thoughts
We have all been in the drill-the fire drill. Whether in the past as a student, recently as an employee or in some other venue we have been told that an alarm is going to go off and a drill will be performed. Today the drills have expanded all in the effort to be...