The Danger of Forgetting

As we have seen Psalm 103 is designed to teach us to recount God’s characteristic benefits for the purpose of blessing Him. By recounting God’s characteristic benefits we are enabled to call attention to His intrinsic blessedness. In God’s grace He blesses us and also...

Exhorting Yourself About Wholehearted Blessing

God is infinitely blessed. There is no one like Him in all the earth. In fact, we would do well to ask this question raised by God Himself: “To whom then will you liken Me That I would be his equal?” says the Holy One. (Isaiah 40:25) We would also do well...

Recounting for the Purpose of Blessing

Have you ever heard someone say “I love to bless the Lord” or maybe some pray “I bless you Lord?” I remember as a college student at a church internship being confused by a brother in Christ speaking that way in prayer. I thought to myself:...

We Plant and Water, God Causes the Growth

As I have written about previously the house that we live in had something going on unknown to us. For years and years tree roots were growing under the ground, growing ever closer to the outgoing sewer pipe of our house. No one living in this house over the years...

Are Saints Dead or Alive?

Yes. That is the short answer, but there is a longer biblical answer to that question. This answer is defined by God Himself, not by years and years of tradition. This past Sunday throughout the news there were articles or segments that spoke of “how the Catholic...