by jbrackbill | May 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
A few years ago now we studied through Galatians 5:16-24 together as a church and we saw very clearly that the fruit that ought to be increasingly evident in the life of a believer in Jesus is the fruit that only the Spirit of God can produce in us. According to...
by jbrackbill | Apr 26, 2016 | Devotional Thoughts
Whenever you are granted access to a place or person there are necessary implications or corollary actions that ought to be carried out with that access. The higher the level of access the greater the necessary implications are for you as someone with that access....
by jbrackbill | Apr 19, 2016 | Devotional Thoughts
Biblically speaking there is something that will kill your prayer life. It will ensure that you are unable to focus, unable to persevere, unable to pray with joy or confidence, and unable to truly delight in the Lord. There is no passage that states that this will...
by jbrackbill | Apr 12, 2016 | Devotional Thoughts
Is there a present reward for serving the Lord now or are all the rewards for believers in the future? In Micah 2:7 the LORD asks this question: “Do not My words do good To the one walking uprightly? ” Obviously, the implied answer is yes! Just read the...
by jbrackbill | Jan 21, 2016 | Devotional Thoughts
We were made by God and for God. We were made to look away from ourselves in praise and adoration of the one true Triune God. But we were born into this world acting as if we made ourselves and are to live for ourselves. We were born into this world by nature and then...