In April we finished up a series through Paul’s Epistle to the church at Philippi. Near the end of that letter (Philippians 4:1-9) Paul address the issue of standing firm. His Spirit breathed counsel about standing firm is something that we need to constantly be reminded of in the Christian life.
Are you currently standing firm? Here is a six question quiz from Scripture to diagnose your level of “Standing Firm.”
1. Are you living in harmony with other believers rather than promoting disunity? (4:1-3)
2. Are you rejoicing in the Lord rather than complaining? (4:4)
3. Are you being gentle with others rather than being harsh? (4:3)
4. Are you making your requests known to God rather than being full of anxiety? (4:6-7)
5. Are you dwelling on good things rather than things that promote the works of the flesh? (4:8)
6. Are you practicing Scripture rather than merely being a hearer of it? (4:9)
This is not a nice little list of conventional human wisdom. This is God’s viewpoint on what it would look like to be someone who is standing firm. It is not possible to stand firm on our own. That is why Paul started off this whole exhortation with this phrase: “In this way, stand firm in the Lord” (4:1). For those who are in Christ, it is possible to stand firm in the Lord in these ways. So lets stand firm by His grace!