Do you know the joy of singing hymns individually and as a family? One of the biggest blessings that our family has experienced nearly every day over the last several years is singing hymns together. Recently we sang one that we learned a month ago and found it to be very encouraging to our faith and very helpful as we move into a season of the year that we tend to think more about giving thanks (though Scripture is clear that gratefulness is the way to go every day of the year). 

Grateful Praise (anonymous)

Now in a song of grateful praise 
To Thee, O Lord, My voice I’ll raise; 
With all Thy saints I’ll join to tell:
My Jesus hath done all things well

How sov’-reign, wonderful and free
Hath been Thy won-d’rous love to me!
Though sav’dst me from the jaws of hell: 
My Jesus hath done all things well. 

Since e’er my soul has known They love, 
What mercies Thou hast made me prove: 
They mercies do all praise excel; 
My Jesus hath done all things well. 

And when to that bright world I rise, 
And join the anthems of the skies,
Above the rest this note shall swell:
My Jesus hath done all things well. 


And above the rest this note shall swell: 
My Jesus hath done all things well.
And above the rest this note shall swell: 
My Jesus hath done all things well. 

All of this text is helpful and all of it underscores what is consistently repeated: “My Jesus hath done all things well.” 

We took a few moments recently and talked about everything that has happened recently in our family and we applied this truth to it: “My Jesus hath done all things well.”  Psalm 145:9 says  “The LORD is good to all, And His mercies are over all His works.” By faith we can look at all things that are happening around us and say “My Jesus hath done all things well.” The first step to this is learning the truth. Have you been convinced from Scripture that this is true? Once you have learned this truth and are convinced of it the real battle begins. The battle, the joyful God-honoring battle of applying this truth by faith to all things around us: My Jesus hath done all things well.